Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Glorious unemployment

It is autumn and I'm happily unemployed. For now, I'm holding the time bandits at bay and have moments to get almost all the things I want to do in a day. I've planted some starts and seeds in the backyard and am anxiously awaiting their debutante parties. I am exercising this neglected physical self again and giving over to the pleasure of many cups of coffee with my lover after languid mornings of not-having-to-be-up-quite yet.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Roof cat

Far from post-coital I am lying in bed with my boyfriend in the early evening. Our pants are on, we are horizontal with the accumulated weight of the world. I’m under the covers; it’s cold in California in early fall but the warmth and the softness is good, it’s all right for right now.

He shows me the cat on the neighbor’s roof, a roof cat. Never seen it on the street or on the sidewalk.